21 Jan 2009

rocket man (and lady)

the junket club presents josie long and mike wozniak in techniquest:
to illustrate how good this was, by the end of the night i had a happiness headache. i felt like a kid who had eaten too much candy. we got to techniquest and immediately started playing like 5 year olds. well, i know i did. i think i heartily annoyed my boyfriend with attention defecit disorder behaviour and leaping (in some cases literally) from one science project to the next. this was halted when we were about to go into the comedy showroom (a "lecture area" with 30 kiddie chairs and a pull down screen) and the ball bouyed by air that i was playing with was subsequently turned off and fell disappointingly slowly to the ground.

but hark! there is the lovely benjamin partridge introducing mike wozniak and a hand made animation of a space rocket! despite the lights dimming his set and being forced to do his act with a gestapo lamp shining in his face, mike's act was very good. he told us about his polish grandfather and his amateur science experiments and his guinea pig being rogered to death by a rabbit called "the punisher". he was shouty, but not in an annoying way.

but its halftime and the treat of chemically enhanced milkshake, star trek cupcakes and lisa jones introducing the tony hart-inspired "build a universe" art project had us putting on our concentrating faces and making aliens, planets and cock-shaped rockets. it was a bundle of fun. then we got lead away to the planetarium to see josie long and some stars. she was a very nice lady and i liked her stories. a very successful junket club but it does leave me worrying how many more amazing places lisa and ben can take us to. i was impressed enough with carl's house...

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